We are incredibly thankful that you have chosen to bring some of our work into your home. We are both retired (but not really because we still work every day) and enjoy the process of our work, our customers and friends we have made along the way.

We do have a storefront gallery where we sell our work but recently we are open by appointment only.  Mostly the space is used for working. That said, we have decided to bring our work online for those of you that live far away from us but would love to enjoy a piece of our art.

Here are some tips for purchase when we have a shop update:

Have our shop page open and ready to go when the update time is stated.  Once I give out that information it will be posted here, Instagram and Facebook. 

Be fast and know what you are looking for.  Multiple people may love the same item you are looking at. Having a piece in your cart does not guarantee it's yours. Once you finish the check out process, then the item is yours. If someone else checks out faster than you then you may miss out on that piece you love.